Archive for ‘January 24th, 2013’

Starting the 8th week

The weather guessers were correct…last night there was a weather disturbance.

I was up uncharacteristically late last evening. Bear and I had our last walk at … *GASP* … 9:45 p.m.!! It was precipitating a kind of hard snow – fast and furious – pellet-like in nature. There was enough fallen to cover our 5:00 tracks.

I woke to a temperature of 34F, not much more snow and the dripping of melting runoff from the roof.

Midday, the sun and blue sky surprised me. I made a mad dash to town – stopping for a walk and garbage run and then a grab of some supplies. Forecast for the weekend looks marginal and I favored a mid-week dry road run. Town was a mess! As in, why weren’t all those people at work??? But needed items were acquired and we headed home.

The sun was shining in the yard and I intended another two hours of work and then…and THEN…some time in the chair with Bear…on Beardog Point.

It was loverly.

Bear has been limping a bit on his non-surgery leg, so we have been taking things extra easy and some time in the yard in the sunshine was just the ticket for both of us. I did not distract by trying to take photos – just enjoyed the sun and quiet and fresh air that had a warmth and softness that felt like Spring.

But, that chair. That is where I sat – for the first time since Bear’s surgery. Bear was laying – a little distance in front of me…watching the game trail, smelling the air, listening. Just like we like.

Today, is the start of week 8 post op. Schedules of the surgeon and Dr. Calm are proving a bit difficult to coordinate so I think we will not have our 8 week post op appointment until week 9 or 10, but it is good to be in the 8th week.

And the moon is nearing full and it is beautiful in a clear Montana sky as we start the 8th week.