Archive for ‘January 18th, 2013’

My happy list

1. Walking in the woods with Bear (my dog).
2. A morning snuggle with Bob (my cat).
3. Coffee in a dark kitchen (house or motorhome) with just a few undercounter lights glowing.
4. Sitting on the front porch or my chair in the sideyard with a cuppa and Bear and Bob near.
5. Sitting in front of the woodstove with a small fire going
6. Most of the time – my work!…from my home office :)
7. Puttering in the kitchen making anything!
8. Watching the snow fall.
9. Snowshoeing in the woods with my dog (is this a repeat of #1?)
10. Anything… anything quiet, at my home, with Bob and Bear

A blog I sometimes read…a few or several weeks ago…talked about the author’s “happy list” and her desire to do 1 or 2 of the things on her list daily.


I whipped off my list.

AND…I realized that I do most of them every single day!

Caveat(s). I am single to her married with children. I am 57 to her thirty-something. Still. I am so very grateful that I made the choices I made.

I am a happy person, fortunate through opportunity and choice to be living exactly where I choose and doing things I love 95+% of the time.

It is Friday evening.

I worked until 2:00 today.

Then, Bear and I jumped in the Jeep and headed to town to do some supply gathering.

We stopped on the way at the wild fowl regeneration/public hunting conumdrum (EVERY time I look at the signs, I just wonder??? It is the U.S. Department of the Interior…wild fowl regeneration and public hunting ???) Anyway, it is a beautiful spot and I am guessing that wild fowl hunting is NOT in season as I haven’t seen trucks and bird dogs there for several weeks.

Bear and I walked toward the lake, through a grove of century old Ponderosa Pines…hoar frost from the freezing fog making everything a work of art.

Addendum to the happy list: walking with Bear on a path to a lake in freezing fog.