Archive for ‘January 12th, 2013’

A messy week

It was a messy week. The weather was messy. My schedule was messy. I had a day of spills on Wednesday including a cup of coffee that jumped out of my hand and I am STILL finding sticky coffee splashes in unexpected places.

But today, Saturday, after a messy start of freezing fog and snow flurries…

The sun came out!

Beautiful. Only 18F, but beautiful…especially in the warm sunroom.

I know. The number of herbs have dwindled…by more than half. And the rosemary and basil are not looking especially good. The parsley looks thin as I’ve been using a lot of it but I think that it and the chives may survive my gardening skills.

Just outside the sunroom…the herb graveyard. I have high hopes that the lavender, spearmint and peppermint will revive in the Spring as I put them out during a week when it was above freezing and told them to go dormant until June 1. We’ll see. I am not surprised, but I am a bit disappointed as the herbs gave the room a nice feeling. But I am not disappointed enough to go buy more and subject them to my not so green thumb. I WILL try again next year :) !!

Bear’s back end as he checks for critters…and a close up is coming in case you’d like to leave now…

I was watching Bear watch the game trail and noticed his legs. They are positioned the same and he is bearing his weight equally on both – hurrah!! No odd angle and the foot on his surgery leg is solid.

The walking conditions have deteriorated this past week and we’ve not been able to do the distances prescribed. But we are out and about and I call him in the house now and again to get him up and walking. All continues to progress well.