Archive for ‘March, 2024’

We have sprung forward!

Yesterday (3/10/2024) was “Spring forward” in the U.S. … Clocks ahead for Daylight Saving Time.

While I wish we would do away with the whole time change thing … in the whole scheme of things, and with the way the U.S. political scene seems non-functional … not holding my breath!

For me it is a 5-minute update of the few devices, appliances and car that do not automatically update. As a long time “work from home” person, my relationship with the clock is to be on time for meetings and appointments. Otherwise, I eat when I am hungry, sleep when I am tired and go for walks when Emmett signals that it is time! We roll in sync with actual daylight/nighttime.

I will say that this year, Spring forward was very welcome. I fell on the ice a little over a week ago. Not really bad, but enough that some stiffness and soreness disrupted my sleep for the first 3 nights. And then … my sleep routine turned a bit upside down and for the last 4 days I have been going to bed 7:00 p.m. latest and so getting up 3-4:00 a.m.

After Springing forward, I find that I am on a more normal-ish schedule … not that it matters, but if I get up in the wee hours, Emmett gets up as well and I feel I need to get out with him … and 3-4 a.m. is kind of the witching hour for nighttime predator critters. I confess to being a bit more anxious after the mountain lion my security cameras caught at 2:30 a.m.-ish… BUT, I check the cameras, light Emmett and me up, turn on the outside lights and we go. My theory with lighting both of us up is twofold: we know where each other is AND we hopefully look strange to a lion or coyote, i.e. most prey for those critters do not have LED lighting!

I also throw the thought to the Universe that Emmett and I mean no harm … we respect and love all creatures.

So far, I have spent many hours in the woods at night with no problem and no fear (MOSTLY!)

Back to Spring Forward.

To celebrate, I made Spring Forward Sunday Sourdough Bagels – YEA!!!

It’s short :)