Archive for ‘January 23rd, 2013’

Inversion’s end

A weather disturbance is forecast for tonight. If all goes as forecast, it will end the inversion, scrub the valley air and the freezing fog will be gone.

Bear and I went to the wild fowl area to walk in the fog and sunshine before things change.

I like the road through the Ponderosa Pines.

To the right of the road, the trees and frost and fog…mysterious, close, beautiful.

At the end of the road, the lowered level of the lake – dry lake bed – if Bear could run he would have a grand time. Still…plenty to smell and explore and look at.

Returning to the Jeep, I took a last look and a deep breath of the cold, moist air.

And we headed for home.

As the inversion breaks, the sky at my house clouded up. But inside, sleeping boys – they are my sunshine.