Archive for ‘October 28th, 2013’

Play time and the best toy ever

Yesterday morning, I spilled coffee on the edge of the sunroom rug. That rug is wool. I rinsed it well and then folded it back over a footstool so the wet edge was in the air.

It turned out to be the best cat toy ever!

Auggie played and played and played.

In and under through the corners, hide and seek… (and the mouse that was lost was found…hiding in the dust bunnies under my bed!)

…up and over.

The second best play time:

Auggie and Bear!

Sunday afternoon, they had some very good interaction and nose touching and Bear stayed calm when Auggie pounced and ran by him. I nearly came undone with joy as I could see we are really making good progress and that Bear is learning to be ok with Auggie’s darting and jumping.

I was so happy with Bear’s reactions, I dug out a hot dog to give him some bites as a treat. This was a kind of happy accident as I realized it also helped him take focus off Auggie and let them have a bit of a break. Plus, it really seemed to reinforce what was ok. We continued for nearly an hour of together time and when things went very, very well or if they looked like they might be getting too excited we had a hot dog break. I shredded the meat and a training treat sized piece made Bear happy.

Although Auggie didn’t get any hot dog, he did seem to get into the rhythm of play and quiet, play and quiet – which helped everything as well, i.e. they are figuring out how to play compatibly. And Bear is learning that when he’s had enough, he can just be.
