Archive for ‘October 17th, 2013’

Oven bacon and sausage

I can’t believe it is Thursday already.

It is Thursday, isn’t it?

My week fell apart a bit on Monday afternoon when I suddenly felt bad, slight fever which led to not much sleep. A dental appointment on Tuesday morning and then I tried to work but finally gave up and went to bed. Wednesday was better and today I feel 100%, but now it is Thursday!


So, oven bacon.

I read about making bacon in the oven earlier this year. I LOVE this – was I the last to know of this? You put the bacon on a foil lined cookie sheet, put it in a cold oven, turn the oven on to 375 and 15-20 minutes later…BACON !!

AND, there is still some nice bacon grease to save for tortillas, frying onions, etc.

This worked in the motorhome gas oven as well. There is no splattering, no fry pan to clean and the bacon can be “baked” crisp or tender – whatever your preference.

This morning I was frying some of the sausage my folks sent me – my birthday and Christmas present. This is a wonderful spicy sausage that they hunted high and low for in Louisiana. I don’t know what’s in it and maybe I don’t want to know. I do know that I like it – a LOT. It is fully cooked and good cold, but I also like to fry it up a bit crispy for adding to soups, salads and pasta dishes.

This morning as I was standing there with fat flying, turning little circles of sausage… I got to thinking about the oven bacon and decided to try the next batch of sausage by that method.


The 2 batches mixed together – no difference except the oven batch method is hands off and cleanup is throwing away the foil.

Hoo – rah!

Auggie kept me company as I was experimenting.

This is the least blurry photo I’ve been able to take of him on this chair. He has been using it as a kind of “jungle gym”. I have to try to get a video. He goes to the top, hangs over, leaps down or weaves through the ladder back. And again and again and again.

I hope he, Bear and I survive his kittenhood…