Archive for ‘October 26th, 2013’

Three years of my daily “no knead” bread

A bit over three years ago, I made my first high moisture, no knead, artisanal bread.

Despite having made traditional kneaded doughs for over 25 years, the high moisture, no knead method was the FIRST time I was successful at making an artisanal crispy crusted, custardry crumbed bread…the kind of thing I had been paying $6.00 a loaf for!!!

Over these past three years I have enjoyed perfect bread, english muffins, grilled flatbread, pizza crust, bagels and pastries from simple mix and stir and store recipes from: Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day.

This past week a revised edition of the book was released and it is ON my Kindle Fire and with me wherever I go: The NEW Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day

Flatbread and boule: Peasant Bread dough

The crumb.

The golden larch and the blue sky.

The beardog.

Three years.