Archive for ‘April 20th, 2013’

Into every life a little rain must fall

Even here in Northwest Montana…far removed from the horror of Boston and Texas, the week was disconcerting at best. I do think that there are a few silver linings – small in comparison to the loss – and not comforting to those who suffered the ultimate loss, but I was a bit heartened to read that lessons learned in Afghanistan saved lives in Boston. I dearly hope that we hear of other positives and that we get some understanding – particularly for those whose lives were changed in an instant.

Here at my home we had a little rain…a sprinkle compared to the downpour of tragedy elsewhere.

Mr. Bob had a visit to the vet for an ear thing which turned out to be an ear infection and a broken blood vessel (hematoma) that caused his poor ear to look like one of the Star Wars critter ears (Yoda).

We went to the vet on Thursday and all was lanced, flushed and medicated and we continue at home with some ointment twice a day.

It really did rain.

It is supposed to snow tonight!

Bear continues well, but the Thursday trip to the vet and gray, rainy weather gave us all the sleepies.

Despite all, Bob looks to be feeling better and although the news and ramifications of this week’s events are still to come – we are concentrating on good things: ears and legs on the mend, love in our house, love for our neighbors, friends, family – and prayers for all who lost so much.