Archive for ‘April 7th, 2013’

Weekend wrap up: 4 weeks post-op v2.0

It was a full week of work, walks, sitting outside with Bob and Bear – as we ended week 4 post-op TPLO 2.

All is going very well with Bear. He is using both legs normally: getting up an down, forwards and backwards, walking and standing.

I moved the mattress back and he seems to like being higher – a better view to the game trail and the over-abundance of deer currently.

It got cooler and has been raining off and on, gray off and on, a few sun bursts off and on…

…all causing the grass to start greening up.

Bob has been annoyed at the change in weather and blames me.

Bear and I are not bothered. We’ve been able to walk between rain events and both of us enjoy the cooler temperatures.

But all is not lost for Bob. He cozies up inside…

…and we have MY favorite kind of morning: all of us together.