Archive for ‘April 12th, 2013’

Friday Sunshine

The windows need washing but this might not be the weekend to do it.

This week got away from me on Wednesday when we had a 3 hour power outage. It was not weather related. Three substations were involved -the power company has a wonderful OutageView web page AND my neighbor phoned with some info on passing the substations going to town. It is the longest outage since I’ve been in this house – almost 7 years.

All of my electronic gadgets were fully charged and even a spare battery for my phone. I had just made fresh airpot of hot tea AND I was showered, dressed and my hair dried…VERY important as I like to be clean and put together for working…sad, but true. Bottom line, I was in good shape to endure. BUT, although typically I do not need Internet for most of my work, this day I did. I had my usual access but I’m guessing because my access is cellular and maybe a tower or 2 was without power and traffic diverted: the internet was iffy. I finally gave up and Bear and I went for a drive and a walk. We returned to power and continued on, but it was a short Wednesday work day making for a long Thursday and early start today.

Approaching 5:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon and I will shortly call it a week. The sun is out at the moment. The extended forecast is for messy, wintry kind of weather until late next week so we will enjoy Friday Sunshine while we may.