Archive for ‘October, 2011’


The Swan River …backdrop Swan Range.

The Swan Range sequeing into Jewell Basin.

The first gold larch branch…in my own woods, right in front of the house.

Fall color

This midpoint of October usually marks the height of the Aspen Fall color. The larch are yet to come.

I took Bear in the Jeep and drove to West Glacier taking these photos on the way back.

Low clouds and fog obscured the mountains but that gray light cannot dim the gold of the Aspens.

Fall color in Northwest Montana.

Later this afternoon…sunshine and a different sort of Fall color :)!


Balance…it can be an elusive thing.

I often think I have balance in my life…work I love, my pet-family, my peaceful life mostly removed from the grit of the world.

I step into the world online and am both intrigued and abhorred.

I regularly delete my links to news and websites vowing to stay in a place of light, love, thoughtfulness, kindness, respect and trust: Balance

Last night I chased the moonrise…

I was early.

But the waning daylight lit the snow covered mountain tops so my “chase” was not in vain.

And I returned to the warm light of home…. Balance.

In the yard

Shortly after 5:00 p.m., I was at a good stopping point. Bob was inside. Perfect for some outside time for Bear and me.

Oh, Bear…

This is after 30 minutes of squirrel chasing. I am inside getting a glass of wine…

…and then sitting. The day has been beautiful with mostly sun and the air cool and crisp as befits a mid-October Montana day.

Off to my left, Bear chased ground squirrels.

A wonderful end of the work day and before supper break…

…in the yard.

Morning moon

Just past full moon, playing in the cloulds over the house this morning while I was out with Bear. We moved through the woods in moon shadows: bright when the moon left the clouds, dimming when the thin clouds filtered the bright light of the October moon.

Electric Avenue

I took the Jeep, with Bear in it :)! – into Bigfork this morning for a lube-oil-filter service. It is a small service center that does the quick and easy services. Rosie, a black lab, is a helper…she does tire checks…

We got right in and had 15 minutes to do something with.

Although Wayfarer’s is nearly across the road from the service place, I decided to take Bear in the opposite direction, to the riverside park near the electric plant and the confluence of the Flathead River and Bigfork Bay…and the bridge that spans that confluence providing a picturesque entrance to Bigfork from the south.

Crossing the bridge, to the left (west) is Bigfork Bay.

To the right (east) is the electric plant.

Once across: Electric Avenue, the main street in Bigfork.