Archive for ‘October 7th, 2011’

tidbits, cont’d.

It poured rain the whole live long day.

My work week was very productive, very frustrating, fun…and I’m glad it is over until Monday :)!

The woods on this rainy day was so beautiful. I walked through it when out with Bear and wished I could take photos of the rain drops on the dripping moss, the bark of the Aspen, the neon green of the lichen against the black of the decaying tree stumps… It is raining too hard to take the camera into the woods.

Watching Bear in the rain…he starts out slow with his ears down…then gets interested in his usual spots and forgets about the rain…until suddenly he is just too wet – a nose to tail tip violent shake and then a run for the door and inside. He seemed mystified that the squirrels were not in their usual places. I tried to tell him that they were in their hidey-holes warm and dry.

Bob…he spent some time outside as well even though I had heat on in his end of the house, fleece blankies scattered around…

Now, rain on the roof, against the kitchen light tube and on the floor near me…the roof leak(s) that has (have!) existed since I’ve been here despite my and several other’s inspection of the roof. This little house needs a new roof…maybe next year.

Time to call it a day. Bear and I have had our last outing and he has gone to bed. Bob waits for me. The kettle is on for a bedtime brew.