Archive for ‘October 31st, 2011’

Monday morning gold

Gold on the morning walk.

Gold in my own woods.

The morning alternated between foggy, dark and cloudy with occasional bursts of sunlight that lit the trees and grass.

I looked up and saw this light as I was working this Monday morning. I had such a sense of peace with my morning, my day, my life…things accomplished this weekend and a clean slate feeling to the start of the week.

The day was blustery. It looked, felt and sounded like Fall.

Bob enjoyed the warmth of the front porch as he kept an eye on a squirrel chattering in a nearby tree.

Monday morning gold.

Short trip

Although Bear and I did not take the planned weekend cruise, we did go for a Sunday afternoon ride. A stop at the hardware for propane and then to Wayfarer’s for a walk.

Bear loves to go anywhere but the motorhome is very exciting…the big windows, the room…even a short trip is a grand adventure!