Archive for ‘October 10th, 2011’


It might not look like a miracle to you.

But all of these photos were taken on Sunday.

And Bear, laid down…on his own…without a treat.

And he relaxed, and watched and sniffed.

Almost 5 months ago, when we returned from Spokane in the motorhome…Bear, 6 1/2 years old, having lost his loving person…and flown 2500 miles…then spent a night in a motorhome…travelling another 250 miles in that motorhome…to Montana and a new home with a “girl” and a cat and a woods full of new smells…and a BIG SKY!!! – it had to have been overwhelming to the extreme for him.

Our first walks were rather exciting.

I had a collar AND a harness on him and 2 leashes.

I was afraid that if there was an equipment failure he would be in the next county before he stopped.

But now…a miracle. He looks to me. He knows his house, his property – his home.

We go out and explore together.

And now we enjoy together…from the front porch…miracles!

***Bear and Bob…it progresses….slowly :)!