Archive for ‘January 19th, 2011’

A sunshiny day

Moonshadows, moonset and sunrise…not a cloud in the sky…

Cold, but clear making a nice change from the gray, drippy days of the past week – a sunshiny day.


This is what it looked like this morning – incredibly beautiful! I sat in the Jeep with Karl and watched for a bit.

However, for full disclosure… to get the above, I did more than my usual minor-tweaking in Photoshop.

Moon shadows

Yesterday evening, the temperature dropped and the sky began to clear. Karl’s and my last walk was my moonlight, albeit still cloudy moonlight.

I woke in the night to a moonlit house.

This morning, a moon so bright that even filtered through the trees in the woods, we walked over now crunchy snow and ground without house or flash light.

I took my first cup of coffee out to the chair and sat with Karl watching and listening to morning sounds. On moonlit nights, the wildlife feed all night. There is more movement, more sound, more life in the night and very early morning. The crack of a tree limb as the deer moved below us made Karl huff and briefly bark but then seeing that they were moving on and not across his yard, he quieted. A gust of wind rose in the pines and faded away. The air smelled clean – too cold to smell of pine, no smell of snow yet – just clean.

As I sat in the quiet, several decisions were made…or rather they “occurred”. Nothing monumental, just a few things that have been rolling around in my head with no resolution for some days. It was as if I tossed all of the pieces of a puzzle into the air and they fell to the ground all in their proper places. Inside, warming up with a second cup of coffee, I sat with Bob at my feet and felt great peace.

It is a new day, with new possibilities – started in the clear light of moon shadows.