Archive for ‘January 2nd, 2011’

A Brand New Year: Part 2 – Fair warning, a change is coming

January 2, 2011 – For me, this is the last holiday day. Tomorrow is “Get to work” for 2011. I’m happy to do that. I anticipated doing more during the 2 week holiday period, work-wise, but I “hit the wall” right before Christmas and for the most part did not much :)!

I thought a lot, though!

One of the things I’ve been rolling around is what to do about this blog.

I thought about stopping. I thought about starting over with a new name and idea. I thought about just doing photos…but I enjoy writing sometimes… I’ve been back and forth and up and down.

A recurring theme in my thinking is if I continue, how to continue and just “live my life”. This may not make sense unless you blog also but for me, living alone and choosing to be mostly alone, there is often a blog post running through my head about everything/anything I’m doing. I want to get rid of that. I want to live my life and share bits of it, share things I see via photos, share Bob and Karl…Oh…I’m doing that, but how to change how it feels to me???

The current blog format and the past history of the format steer me into a “what do I share today” mentality. New Year’s Day, it came to me that I’d like to be able to share bits and pieces of my day as well as essays or photos. And I’d like to be able to sort through all of that in a different way. And, although I don’t want to turn into a cooking blog by any means, cooking is something I enjoy very much AND it is a fun challenge to photograph food. I have been thinking about a “What’s cooking” side blog….what to do, what to do???

I had a picture in my head of how a new “From the Front Porch” might look. I doodled on a legal pad and quickly put together a layout of what I thought I wanted. I thought I’d have to code it myself but decided to look at themes…lo and behold my thoughts of layout are not that original…what I want to do is apparently called a magazine layout and there are customizable themes.

So…finally getting to the point if you’ve stuck with me this far…I bought several magazine themes and will be trying them out – LIVE!!!

I have a test domain and I was going to fiddle around there, but now we come back to “TIME” – that thing that none of us can make more of. And, it is not like I make a living with this blog – it is a hobby :)!

Sometime this week, I am going to throw caution to the wind and change the theme and the WordPress version all in one fell swoop. And things may look wonky and confused. Links may not work. One day this blog may look one way and the next, YIKES!!! As I have time, I’ll post and tinker and one day it may be what I envision.

Fair warning, a change is coming :)!

New Year Alpenglow

I was winding down last evening at all of 4:30 p.m. New Year’s Eve fireworks kept Bob, Karl and I on edge until after 1 a.m. and the short night was catching up on all of us.

But as I was puttering in the kitchen I noticed the glow to the east.

The alpenglow light through the woods is other-worldly when it appears. A band of blazing pink-orange light typically causes me to do a short dance of stutter steps as I waver between getting the camera or just running out to see. The color can be so fleeting. Running to see the alpenglow has been part of my winter afternoon walks long before I was so regularly taking photographs. And while I love capturing what color I can, there are times when I just want to stand and watch.

But last night was clear, the light was strong and my camera was near.

First night of the new year…

New Year Alpenglow!