Archive for ‘January 8th, 2011’

Wintry Mix

Yesterday, the rain continued all day. The temperature stayed steady at 36F. The roads were wet but not icy. Karl and I took advantage of conditions due to deteriorate and headed to the lake for a look see.

It was drizzling and I did not have my camera pack. I hoped to drive down to get some photos but the road nearest the lake was a sheet of ice so I parked above and we walked down through the slushy snow with only my phone camera.

For a January day in Montana it was balmy.

Overnight, it finally returned to below freezing temperatures and the slush is turning to ice. My driveway conditions were improved slightly by some wintry mix of precipitation that ended up as a crunchy topping that allowed some grab for walking.

At the end of the driveway, this morning, some blue sky. But, we will not be going anywhere. The road is like the driveway – glare ice with a slightly crunchy toping…a wintry mix.