Archive for ‘November, 2013’

Freezing fog

If NOAA is right…

…we are in for a gloomy time.

Inversions and freezing fog are fun for a couple of days.

But a week or more’s worth makes everyone cranky.

I have supplies for Bear, Auggie and me.

I have plenty of work and chores and fun stuff to do.

Freezing fog can make for interesting photos.

Still… I hope it is not for a week or more.

NOAA was right about this week’s cold front. It went from 50 to 20’s lickety-split.

Big coat, boots, gloves & hats.

We are ready.

Bring it.

Too cute aka I can’t help myself

Aside from the fact that he is just so darn cute, when he’s sleeping I have a chance to get a photo that is in focus.

Sound asleep.

I mean really… I can’t help myself.

The sweet feet.

BTW, he is VERY good about his claws. Even in play, I have only a few incidental scratches. The exception is if I’m on the phone and walking around, he will climb my legs to get my attention. Since I tend to wear thinnish knit pants and you need claws out to climb – ouch! But, I’m wise to him now and mostly remember to sit down :) !

He wakes up with a bit of bed head.

But one head shake and all the tufts fall into place. Wish that worked for me…

***I’ve given up trying to get stills of Bear and Auggie playing and have had the camera in movie mode inside and out this week. Hopefully over the weekend, I’ll edit and be able to share that. They are so funny together. Mr. Bear who has not really been a “play with others” dog, has been dropping one of his huge fleece toys on Auggie to start a play time. Auggie often flies at Bear… at his head, bottom, tail – sometimes just over him with legs akimbo. Wish I could catch it all but I’d need cameras all over the house!

Tuesday bits

It was 50F this afternoon.

The sun was in and out.

The snow is gone…mostly.

It is forecast to start getting cold, but with no precipitation, i.e. cold and clear.

The light is spectacular.

The light(s) of my life.

Tuesday bits.

Pecan Pie shortbread and the ramifications of hunting

I like Pecan Pie.

I like a small sliver of Pecan Pie…more than a sliver is too rich, too sweet … for me.

I saw Sue of The View from Great Island’s Pecan Pie Shortbread .

I don’t have a tart pan but I DO have a springform pan…why, I’m not sure as I’m not a fan of cheesecake which is the usual springform pan thing…

Not as pretty as a tart pan…

But taste was not affected at all.

re the ramifications of hunting…as I was preparing this post, there was a commotion in the living room…and a mostly dead mouse…

Bear and Auggie were upset.

Bear was the mouser.


Death is upsetting – even to natural hunters. We all sat and I tried to assure both that we definitely needed to keep mice and voles and other rodents OUTSIDE. For all of our health’s sake. But, I do understand their upset. And I am glad that neither take death lightly.

Snow cat

For most of the last week, NOAA has been predicting a Winter Storm for our area with very cold temperatures, high winds and 2-6 inches of snow.

The forecast started backing off the cold temps first.

I don’t know what it did other places but at my house, it was a heavy, wet, ugly snow. It was pretty coming down but it melted a lot as it landed and what did pile up, started sliding off trees and making a gloppy mess on the ground.

I made my Saturday grocery run on Friday, planning on a home day if it did storm. It worked out as even though I don’t think it was stormy out and about, I’m sure it was messy and I was happy to stay put.

I’ve been taking Auggie out on leash and the last 2 days unhooked the leash and let him explore. He’s been sticking to circumnavigating the house and the garage. He will run in and out of the house a bit. All first steps in going outside. I have the Loc8tor device on his collar** and the few times I wasn’t sure where he was, I found him quickly with the Loc8tor.

He’s seen the snow from the few small storms we’ve had over the past weeks, but today was the first day I let him out in the snow.

Several people have told me that he is a Norwegian Forest Cat or at least has some of that breed in him…the ear tufts, triangle face, set of his eyes and double coat match what I’ve read of them. At any rate, he does not seem to get cold or be bothered by the cold November air.

He was a bit cautious about the snowy ground.

After looking, sniffing and tasting, he headed off the porch but jumped back after feeling it on his feet.

He then discovered there was a path of ground next to the house.

But he kept testing that white stuff.

I thought he was going to stick to grassy areas…

…but suddenly he just dove in and that was that. I let him explore for about 10 minutes, brought him in to warm up and he went out again a bit later for another 10.

Like his two namesakes, Gus and Bob, Auggie is a snow cat.

**it is a breakaway collar so he can’t get snagged. And yes, if the collar comes off the loc8tor does also.