Archive for ‘November 1st, 2013’


A mixed bag of a Friday… an Auggie vet appt mid afternoon, so got an early start, but distractions and then it was time to go!

Auggie is not liking the Jeep trips as yet so a rather loud to and fro and I HATE that he was uncomfortable.

But, at the clinic, he was quiet and calm. He now weighs 6.2 pounds vs 3.9 pounds 4 1/2 weeks ago. Everything good except for some gum redness – hopefully just from emerging “adult” teeth. We keep an eye on it for a month.

These first things…after losing a beloved – hard to keep in proportion.

We got home later than I thought we would, so short on work time.

Bear was needing attention.

Auggie was needing attention.

A squirrel helped give Bear something to do.

And Auggie was watching Bear dealing with the squirrel.

I had a glass of wine and watched the setting sun turn the tree tops gold against a brilliant blue sky.
