Archive for ‘November 27th, 2013’

Fog…kind of freezing

NOAA finally gave up on the freezing fog icons…

And so…

Not the prettiest, but my mail carrier person disclosed that in town it WAS Freezing Fog.

The roads are a bit slick and it is a sneaky kind of slick as they just look wet. But it is 26F and the fog/humidity/moisture has descended and so the roads are slick. Bear and I made a late morning trip to the dump and the vacant subdivision for a walk… a SLIPPERY walk!

And then we came home and I started a fire in the woodstove and am very thankful that I do not need to go anywhere…for days or even a week !

We missed the storm that the rest of the U.S. had/is experiencing, but freezing fog is sneaky…it drops down, looks wet, but is frozen and slippery.

Take care, all!

Almond shortbread

After I made the Pecan Pie Shortbread …and by the way, it freezes beautifully … I wanted to try a version with candied pecans. I found a recipe for oven baked candied pecans that I thought would work. Then I got to thinking about almonds.

So, while not as pretty visually and I still don’t have a tart pan with pretty fluted edges … the almond version is VERY good.

I modified Sue of The View from Great Island’s Pecan Pie Shortbread recipe by using 1/4 tablespoon of almond extract and 3/4 tablespoon of vanilla extract. For the almond topping, froth 1 XL egg white, 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 cup sliced or slivered almonds – spread on the shortbread before baking. Per Sue’s recipe, I covered loosely with foil to keep the almonds from getting too brown, removing it for the last 10 minutes.

Maybe next round some red and green sugar lightly sprinkled to give it a bit of a Christmas look.

My kitchen helper this morning…

The last time he tried to use this chair as a jungle gym, it tipped over: crash, bang, boom and surprised Auggie! He’s about 9 1/2 pounds now and longer so the play chair has become the nap chair when I’m in the kitchen.

Happy Day before Thanksgiving and Hanukkah and safe travel to all on the move.