Archive for ‘December 23rd, 2012’

On the eve of Christmas Eve

I saw the moon in the clear sky as Bear and I walked through the woods on our last daylight outing.

I stepped out a bit after to look again and take a photo.

It is a bit of an uncomfortable Christmas…Newtown on my mind…a local family whose 17 year old daugher succumbed to cancer 2 weeks ago, my own house a bit not quite normal. All bring to mind many in the world that face a first Christmas without someone loved.

I looked at the moon tonight and remembered those I love that are not with me this Christmas. I lift up those that face a first Christmas without someone and pray for some peace in their sorrow.

I am grateful for this day with Bear and Bob, for my folks, for my dear friends…on the eve of Christmas Eve, I am glad for this night.