Archive for ‘December 14th, 2012’

Friday sunshine

After a week of gray skies, a little sunshine today: above from our late morning walk at the undeveloped subdivision just up the highway.

I’ve been taking Bear in the Jeep to somewhere everyday to help relieve boredom and because he absolutely LOVES going anywhere. We had to do a bit of training about sitting underway – he often stands and that is just not a good thing right now. He is doing very well at sitting. Sitting, he can still see out but he is stable and his surgery leg is in a good position.

The sun and blue ski today was a wonderful surprise. It came at the expense of much colder air, but not too cold and it felt good to be out.

This is the first time in a week that the mountains at the end of the road home have been visible…lovely, lovely with all of that snow: Friday sunshine.

Christmas Bagel, round 2

When all else fails, read the directions :) !!

I saw the wreath bagels on Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a day last night as I was getting ready to fix a pizza for my supper. I grabbed an additional hunk of dough to try a wreath bagel – not really a bagel as it does not get boiled, but it is the size of a bagel with cut and shape using the Pain d’epi (wheat stalk looking bread) technique. The ABin5 folks had previous posts about full loaf size wreaths and traditional Pain d’epi but I’d never tried it. It struck my fancy last night and in a fit of naive overconfidence, I thought I knew how to do it.

This morning’s effort, after reviewing the photos on the ABin5 post, went much better!

Into the oven with pointy-points!

Out of the oven with pointy-points!

The sections pull apart and are wonderful bites of crispy crust with a chewy crumb and plenty of pockets for butter or whatever you like to spread on your bread.

Christmas Bagel, round 2: success!