Archive for ‘September, 2012’

Moonlight tortillas

I am a morning person.

With the exception of the few times – as in I don’t need all 10 fingers to count – I’ve needed to catch the dark-o-clock flight out of Glacier Park International Airport, I haven’t used an alarm for morning wake up in over 18 years.

I am up with the chickens and neighborhood rooster in the morning and typically in bed and asleep before 9:30 at night.

But tonight, I was making tortillas at 8:00.

The last tortilla went in the skillet at 8:20.

There are a dozen tortillas in those towells. Eleven will make it into the frig and freezer. I always eat one hot tortilla, fresh from the skillet. Tonight it was wrapped around Black Forest Ham and enjoyed as I prepared this post and remembered the making.

I rolled tortillas, watching the one in the skillet, flipping/removing to the warm towells…with the kitchen windows open and the cool night air wafting in. Such an unusual time for me and such an unusual experience of light, of dark, of air and sound.

When that last tortilla was done, I took the rolling cloth outside for a shake-off…

…and saw the moon.

Dr.’s orders

Tuesday, Bear and I took a ride in Wild Thing for our appointment at Calm Veterinary to see about Bear’s gimpy leg. It was a beautiful day to be out and about. It is a 45 minute drive to the clinic. With the drive, the invariable waiting and the knowledge that there might be blood draw, xray, i.e. hours at the clinic – I decided on the motorhome as our conveyance so we could wait in high comfort if necessary.

It ended up we were 2 hours in our exam room what with all of the check this, wait, check that. BUT, we were fortunate to get the room with a great air conditioner. And afterward our coach awaited cool and comfy as I’d left the generator going and the A/C on! Although we did not need her for waiting in, it was wonderful to sit quiet for a bit after the anxiety of the clinic experience. I washed my face, had a cool drink, Bear and I shared a slice of cheese and then we hit the road for home.

And, not too bad re Bear’s leg. I thought it was hip or back but it is inflammation in his knee. Dr. Calm believes small ACL tear or just strain and hopefully just strain. Dr.’s orders were for a stronger anti-inflammatory (I was giving curcumin/turmeric) and rest.

I “caught” Bear following Dr.’s orders to the letter on Wednesday morning :) !!

But, otherwise, we are walking mostly on leash…no running/leaping/spinning about after squirrels. We visited Arcturus at his house yesterday. Arcturus has a beautiful fenced yard with lots of shade and it sits on a hillside overlooking a small lake. Bear and Arcturus (well, Bear) are not to the point of being in the yard together but I back the Jeep up to the fence so they can speak and we have a companionable visit…a bit of diversity in routine for everyone.

Bear is already moving a bit easier. We are to continue with the low key behavior for several weeks.

We all do very well at resting.

This chair

For the last maybe two to three years, I’ve sat it in more than on the front porch. Both Karl and Bear liked/like the spot I now call Beardog Point…not too far, but not too close – a spot that allows an eye on the game trail below and also the road.

For me, to be close to my dog – not so close as to be intrusive, but near enough – to be in the shade of the pines, to have a bit of view to the east and to the west – it is a good spot.

I spent hours in this chair near Karl when he was well and then when he was not. I sat in this chair in the morning, in the evening and a number of times in the middle of the night. I count every moment in this chair, with my dog near, as moments dear to me. There are times when I feel like I can remember every one of those moments.

I remember praying for Karl – for healing, for his comfort, for peace and for wisdom. I remember just sitting and being with him.

Now, with Bear, I have the joy of seeing him become comfortable at this place and with me and with Bob. It is endearing that he lies in nearly the exact same spot that Karl did. I feel sure that Karl speaks to him in some way. I have certainly asked Karl to do so…particulary in regards to Bob :) !

This chair.

Life is good

That is a hazelnut mocha latte…kind of :)! I skinned and roasted hazelnuts this morning. Some not needed in the biscotti (see below), I blitzed in the Vita-Mix with espresso, dark cocoa and cream. Some homemade vanilla whipped cream on top and no complaints from me with the result!

Several months ago, I bought hazelnuts to include in my granola. After struggling to skin a few, I decided to just EAT the hazelnuts as a snack and forget about using them in anything. I put pecans, walnuts and almonds in my granola which worked wonderfully.

But last week, I found this post which included the below YouTube video featuring my cooking hero: Julia Child

I should have known…most things that are a pain to peel can be blanched and then immersed in ice water and the skins slide off. Hazelnuts also, although apparently baking soda in the water is key. At any rate, the skins slide off and no swearing is involved. “Bob’s your uncle” and you have skinned hazelnuts. Pop them in a 350 oven for 15 minutes and your house smells wonderful!

I’ve been in a bit of a cooking slump the last week – 10 days…just a lot of distraction: motorhome, trip, software glitch, heavy work schedule and Bear has a sore hip that has been a bit worrying. (Bear’s hip is a much better and we are off to see Dr. Calm next week to be sure)

I kept thinking about that video and the biscotti recipe that is divulged. I haven’t filled my biscotti jar for awhile and those hazelnuts were calling.

I skinned and roasted the hazelnuts per the post and video.

I mixed up the biscotti and got it in the oven.

I also made a batch of ginger syrup for my ginger soda, cooked some “Cajun” sausage for a soup I’ll make later, reduced some new balsamic vinegar to syrup, made my breakfast pizza with the sausage, apples and syrup, mixed up a fresh batch of high moisture dough….AND did an impressive amount of dishes with another load or two to go.

Cooking slump over :) !!

The biscotti jar is full.

Life is good!

Bob agrees. …mostly.

On this auspicious or infamous date…

A beautiful day! A beautiful day to be travelling in Wild Thing!

But…here she is, parked in the home spot :(

Today was to be the day we would roll… Bob, Bear and I – all together…a few days dawdling around Montana and then south to Mama, Bill, Betty…and the 4-leggeds Barely, L.B., Louie and Miss Dixie Lee.

…the show stopper… (propane tank…heat and cooking “fuel”)

That is just the side. The underneath is even worse. And worst of all…I knew the side part last Fall but never thought to look under.

4-6 weeks to get a new tank here.

It is ordered and with the hope that 4-6 weeks is conservative, I have all else ready to go. When the new tank arrives, weather/work/house, etc. will be evaluated. Fall, Winter or early Spring – we will go!

Meantime…September 13. Six years ago today, Bob, Karl and I moved into this little house in the woods. It was good. This post titled 3 years tells the tale.

But today, although we are not rolling…and Wild Thing is parked…it is still a beautiful day. The weather is perfect: blue sky, 72 at the warmest, soft light…

Enjoyment in the woods…

…and on the front porch!

Rats! – I thought I caught them actually touching noses…

They did and do :)

And even better, they relax around each other. It nearly brings me to tears to see this…to turn and work at my desk with my dear boys in the same room with me.

I am disappointed that we are not on the road. But on this beautiful day, 6 years in this place, with Bob and Bear ok together – I am content.

The road home: to and from the garden

Down the road home on the way to the garden last Thursday: the light was perfect Fall light.

The farm garden is at its peak. Out of the photo to the left is a stand of sunflowers. None had bloomed when I was there to pick up my box, but over the weekend, the first had blossomed!

You can just see Bear through the glare of the Jeep window. It is very exciting going to the farm. There are two cows, two goats and three horses that graze in the field around the garden area. They are curious and almost always are near the stand where the produce is left for pickup.

In the beautiful light of early Fall… The road home: to and from the garden.