Archive for ‘September 13th, 2012’

On this auspicious or infamous date…

A beautiful day! A beautiful day to be travelling in Wild Thing!

But…here she is, parked in the home spot :(

Today was to be the day we would roll… Bob, Bear and I – all together…a few days dawdling around Montana and then south to Mama, Bill, Betty…and the 4-leggeds Barely, L.B., Louie and Miss Dixie Lee.

…the show stopper… (propane tank…heat and cooking “fuel”)

That is just the side. The underneath is even worse. And worst of all…I knew the side part last Fall but never thought to look under.

4-6 weeks to get a new tank here.

It is ordered and with the hope that 4-6 weeks is conservative, I have all else ready to go. When the new tank arrives, weather/work/house, etc. will be evaluated. Fall, Winter or early Spring – we will go!

Meantime…September 13. Six years ago today, Bob, Karl and I moved into this little house in the woods. It was good. This post titled 3 years tells the tale.

But today, although we are not rolling…and Wild Thing is parked…it is still a beautiful day. The weather is perfect: blue sky, 72 at the warmest, soft light…

Enjoyment in the woods…

…and on the front porch!

Rats! – I thought I caught them actually touching noses…

They did and do :)

And even better, they relax around each other. It nearly brings me to tears to see this…to turn and work at my desk with my dear boys in the same room with me.

I am disappointed that we are not on the road. But on this beautiful day, 6 years in this place, with Bob and Bear ok together – I am content.