Archive for ‘September 15th, 2012’

Life is good

That is a hazelnut mocha latte…kind of :)! I skinned and roasted hazelnuts this morning. Some not needed in the biscotti (see below), I blitzed in the Vita-Mix with espresso, dark cocoa and cream. Some homemade vanilla whipped cream on top and no complaints from me with the result!

Several months ago, I bought hazelnuts to include in my granola. After struggling to skin a few, I decided to just EAT the hazelnuts as a snack and forget about using them in anything. I put pecans, walnuts and almonds in my granola which worked wonderfully.

But last week, I found this post which included the below YouTube video featuring my cooking hero: Julia Child

I should have known…most things that are a pain to peel can be blanched and then immersed in ice water and the skins slide off. Hazelnuts also, although apparently baking soda in the water is key. At any rate, the skins slide off and no swearing is involved. “Bob’s your uncle” and you have skinned hazelnuts. Pop them in a 350 oven for 15 minutes and your house smells wonderful!

I’ve been in a bit of a cooking slump the last week – 10 days…just a lot of distraction: motorhome, trip, software glitch, heavy work schedule and Bear has a sore hip that has been a bit worrying. (Bear’s hip is a much better and we are off to see Dr. Calm next week to be sure)

I kept thinking about that video and the biscotti recipe that is divulged. I haven’t filled my biscotti jar for awhile and those hazelnuts were calling.

I skinned and roasted the hazelnuts per the post and video.

I mixed up the biscotti and got it in the oven.

I also made a batch of ginger syrup for my ginger soda, cooked some “Cajun” sausage for a soup I’ll make later, reduced some new balsamic vinegar to syrup, made my breakfast pizza with the sausage, apples and syrup, mixed up a fresh batch of high moisture dough….AND did an impressive amount of dishes with another load or two to go.

Cooking slump over :) !!

The biscotti jar is full.

Life is good!

Bob agrees. …mostly.