Away game

Bear and I are parked at Auntie Kris and Uncle Hal’s. The accomodations are VERY nice and came with a wonderful dinner as well as good company and excellent dog walking.

This morning, even in the overcast – beautiful!

We walked as very light flurries fell to the frosted field.

The bit of light to the right is the house and the bit of white to the left is the motorhome.

Some of us got a little nosy…

Up the hill…

…and take the beardog shortcut to our “away” home.

***NOTE: 6:00 ish p.m. Bear and I returned to our house;home in the vicinity of 3 p.m.ish give or take and Fall Back ish…. A wonderful short trip and visit. A good shakedown trip for Bear and I, for Wild Thing (motorhome), for Bob-and caretakers of Bob… Bear and I are set to leave for parts South…weather permitting…mid-November!