Archive for ‘November 14th, 2011’

A pretty good impression of Winter

I’m just inside from a last outing with Bear…8:46 p.m. The sky was mostly clear and the stars plentiful. It was 28F but did not feel bad as I stood and watched Bear make his rounds.

The kettle is on for my cup of “Get some zzz’s” tea and as soon as I publish and power down, I’m off to bed after a good day of work and play.

There were several short squalls with heavy snow and biting wind throughout the day.

I needed to get the motorhome to town for propane. It would not go one more night without a fill. About 11:30, the sun came out and the dusting of snow from the morning squalls melted.

Bear and I went quickly to Bigfork, filled the beast and returned. I was walking to the house when I noticed the sky had darkened and the wind was coming up.

The best squall yet started fast and furious and kept up for 20 minutes.

Suddenly it didn’t look like Fall anymore.

It left about an inch of snow that stayed despite a feeble attempt at some late afternoon sunshine.

A pretty good impression of Winter.