Archive for ‘November 22nd, 2011’

Ready to roll

Project deadline met at 12:30 p.m.

Motorhome de-winterized and loaded by 4:30 p.m.

Departure planned for 10:30 ish a.m. tomorrow morning with a short day to Missoula, 120 miles. Missoula is my usual first night stop which allows for a mid-morning roll out, a stop at the Polson Safeway and an easy drive/early park and setup so Bear and I can get our “sea legs”.

I’m pooped…the work, the back and forthing to the motorhome, a day that turned warm and blustery…it is 7:00 p.m. and I’m done.

Time for lights out and a good night’s sleep.

Next post hopefully from the road :)!