Just another Friday at the office

Girls love their shoes and Wild Thing is no exception…4 new ones were the order of the day, this Friday.

Two of her six “shoes” are new from two years ago. The remaining four were due to be replaced a year ago. I have an upcoming trip which you all are welcome to come along on via From the Front Porch. I hate planning trips. Wild Thing will be departing some time after September 1 and no later than September 11. September 11 is the most likely, but you never know :)!

To the point…I was not risking another trip on the old tires.

Karl (see the black furry back end) and I parked behind the Kalispell Tire-Rama, hoisted Wild Thing on her own leveling jacks and let the techs from Tire-Rama mount, balance, shuffle and install, while we napped/worked respectively.

The cold front arrived the night before – the day was pleasant – and we were out and about with visions of an upcoming adventure in our heads. Just another Friday at the office.