Archive for ‘August 7th, 2010’

Christmas in August

It is hard to tell from the above photo, but those cookies are stars and Christmas trees. They are dog cookies…

Reader Pat from East Tennesee’s dog Wally emailed Karl a recipe for dog cookies a few months ago and I finally got around to trying it. I realized as I was mixing up the dough that the only cookie cutters I have are for Christmas cookies. Oh, well – Karl said he didn’t care if they weren’t bone shaped :)!

Adding to the festivities, Murdoch’s Home and Ranch Supply had a “this Saturday only”, 50% off all dog toys sale.

Well, now.

Karl and I were at Murdoch’s at 8:30 this morning procurring a few new toys.

The heavy favorite is the stuffed sheep with squeaker.

It will be torn apart fairly soon.

The squeaker and all of the stuffing will be removed. That thing that looks like a skin – that is a new kind of unstuffed toy. There is a squeaker but no stuffing. Apparently, Karl is not the only one that feels the need to remove the stuffing.

So, how were the treats???

I think they passed the taste test. That look is “Please may I have another?”

That look is “heavy sigh”…

Twilight clouds

Friday evening, about half an hour before sunset, the low sun hit evening clouds that were blowing up against the Swan Range to my East.

Thunderstorms were pushing the clouds against the ridge.

I was taking these photos as thunder rumbled – barely heard – to the West-Southwest. What a contrast – blue sky deepening to dark with sunlit clouds spread by the wind of the approaching front: twilight clouds.

Photos taken 8/6/2010 8:55 p.m.