Archive for ‘August 11th, 2010’

The pond in Whitefish

When I moved to Montana in early 1994, I lived in Whitefish.

This pond wasn’t there at that time. The entire view you see in this photo was open, grassy land that was subject to marshiness some springtimes during the runoff. The pond – actually ponds – were made to wrangle that marshiness into submission and allow for a soccer complex, a new hospital, a church and a LOT of houses. Like all change, there are both positive and negative perspectives.

Karl and I, Zack and I before Karl – walked here when it was grassy or snow covered before the pond and other development. Karl and I walk there now when we go to Whitefish. Karl and I were there yesterday for a vet appointment – he is fine! ….but there was a question and it held the possibility of being not so fine.

The question has been “on the table” for a little over a week. Even as things pointed toward a good outcome and I, along with a small, but mighty army of prayer warriors prayed for healing, strength, wisdom and grace…still, for us humans, it is challenging to keep fear and worry completely at bay.

My dear friend, Jeannine, wrote: “I have been holding my breath and praying God’s presence, as I felt you skirting the edge of the unknown, or whatever you call that place where everything changes all at once. Changing a little at a time, we can handle with some grace.” That, so succintly put, is the rub…

But, yesterday, from sunrise to sunset, everything in Karl’s and my world flowed smoothly, gurgling happily like mountain snowmelt making its way to a valley pond. The Hand of God showed itself in the morning beauty of the pond in Whitefish and gave us calm and peace.