More than you wanted to know about lupins and my life

Lupin or Lupine, that is the question… I googled lupin to make sure that my spelling was ok and found that while Lupine is the typical North American spelling, Lupin is the original. Lupins were so named after the latin for wolf, as it was originally thought that they “wolfed” the soil of nutrients. As it happens, it is the reverse. Lupins add nitrogen back to the soil, enriching it for other growing things. Additionally, they are a larval food, hence Fuzzy and many of his brethren that were all over the lupins…

Now, to the my life part of the post… I have had a business trip to San Francisco area pending since November. It is now to happen but there is no room at the inn for Karl, ( K9 Kamp) – it is full and it is full for several weeks.

I really wanted to do this trip by RV. There is some indication that more than one meeting might be necessary. My original thought was to go and park near and be available for awhile. Yippy-Skippy, that is what is going to happen. Wild Thing and all of her crew are cleared for take-off and will depart late next week bound for South San Francisco. All of this getting ready for the meeting, getting ready to go, getting the house ready to leave…it takes time. Posts might be skimpy or missed.

But once we hit the road things should be fun. New places to see and share photos of. Adventures to be had, all shared at From the Front Porch. Karl, Bob and I are going to Californ-i-a!

See, more than you wanted to know about lupins and my life.