Fuzzy lupin

Photo taken at Wayfarer’s Park 5/14/2009. Wildflowers, bushes, grass – at the park, by the lake, they are about a week ahead of those by my home. The lupins will be blooming this weekend at the park.

You can see drops of water on “Fuzzy” as well as in the lupins. It rained off and on all day. As Karl and I walked the upper loop at the park, late this afternoon, I could see the rain coming across the lake. A dark wall of cloud and rain moved towards us and the first drops hit just as we got back to the parking lot.

The wind blew, the rain came in torrents and a bit of it tried to be sleet. We arrived home in a lull and Karl did not hesitate getting out of the Jeep and into the house.

We had several soaking rains this week. Good news as next week is supposed to be 70 and a record breaking 85 on Monday. Fuzzy ought to be nice and dry this weekend.