Early Winter Storm

Those pretty photos of snow on the mountains here in the Flathead Valley were only the “tip of the iceberg” for an early winter storm. Here, it has been sunny but very cold for this time of year – in the low 20’s last night, mid 40’s yesterday and until last night a cold wind from the south east.

But southwest Montana – a very different story…

Montana Department of Transportation has a great web site for travelers. (So do WY, CO and probably others…) A state highway map shows road conditions. In the summer, construction delays and circumstances are detailed. In winter, the above. I use this site and have used Wyoming and Colorado sites when I’ve travelled in my motorhome in winter, which I love to do! But I allow plenty of time so as to be able to sit out dangerous driving conditions. It is tools like these which help me make the decision to go or stay parked.

Monida Pass (above from the MT DOT web cams) is currently closed for blowing, drifting snow and icy conditions. Above shows why. Monida Pass is on I15 – the road south into Idaho and then Utah. It is a high, wide, open pass with a gradual ascent and descent versus a steep, winding through the mountains pass. It is prone to very high winds

Homestake Pass is on I90 heading east from my location. Going east it is a gradual ascent, but a steep, winding descent. It is beautiful, and good road, but can be treacherous. The summit rest and vehicle check area has an ominous sign about the number of truckers killed on the eastern descent and warns of checking equipment thoroughly and obeying all speed signs (25 mph for over 10,000 lbs) until the descent flattens out.

I am glad to not be near it in the motorhome today! And much as I love winter and snow, I also love fall and am not unhappy that this storm missed my area. November is plenty soon for snow on the ground. I will be happy to enjoy a couple more weeks of fall!