Archive for ‘October 31st, 2008’

Rosy gold dawn

Halloween morn dawned with a rosy-orange sky. When I walked to the edge of the woods I could see the colors, the mountains and the gold of the larch in the foreground. I didn’t capture the colors quite as I remember – the sky was softer and the larch brighter – you will need to use your imagination a bit…

This last week – 10 days has been Fall Perfection – sunny days, with impossibly blue skies and the soft colors of the grass and trees as they change and die. Since I took this morning’s photos, the sky has clouded over and the temperature dropped a bit. The forecast is for a change to rainy and then wintry (next week) weather. It has always at least flurried on Halloween night when I’ve been in Montana… we’ll see what happens tonight, but this morning I caught a bit more of fall…

…in the rosy gold dawn.