Archive for ‘October 25th, 2008’

Karl and a bit of mountain gold

We left for an afternoon walk with the sun starting to hit the tree tops and a strong breeze which was causing larch needles to drop all around us. The first vista when we cleared the woods was of gold and mountains and blue, blue sky…

Karl had been napping in the motorhome most of the day. Random gunshots kept him in one of his favorite hidey-holes between the back of the motorhome and the bed. I was in and out of it most of the day and kept trying to coax him out but he was having none of it. Finally, I got a bit more insistent and off we went. Once he got going, he was full of it – sure, HE was plenty rested!

…afternoon walk…

Stand and sniff the air…

Sit for a bit and enjoy…

Get a good bottom scratch…

…and a bit more gold at the end of the walk.

Baby gets new shoes

WARNING*** – another riveting RV maintenance post…

Hard to tell I know, but that is a brand new tire! And its twin is on the other side. “Baby” did not get new shoes all around but she did get 1 new pair on the front. And a special thanks to Ben and Jason at the Hwy 93 Kalispell Tire-rama for answering all my questions, checking the 4 rear tires and generally being nice, professional and respectful…we’ll forgive Jason for wanting to “borrow the Jeep” to go to lunch…

Yesterday, I worked until 10, then hooked up the Jeep. Karl and I in the motorhome set off for Tire-rama. We left the Winnebago and went on our merry way: a long walk at a favorite spot, chiropractor appointment for me, a few shopping stops and back to Tire-rama. Jason was just finishing the rear tire check when I arrived. Taking advantage of a next door gas station that also had rv propane, I got everything filled – WOW gas down to $2.69 here!!! – a far cry from the $3.89 which I think was what I paid for the last fill.

Back to Tire-rama, hooked up the Jeep, Karl and I back in the Winnebago and we made one last stop for groceries before heading home. Despite the hooking and unhooking, a huge advantage to towing the Jeep was being able to load it up. Usually on these Friday or Saturday runs, Karl is in the back and it can be a bit of a juggle to get everything in the front passenger seat and the small bit of spare room between him and the front seats. I have to leave him home on the monthly trip to Costco.

Today, though, scads of room!

We had such fun being out and about in the Winnebago that I decided to spend the night in her. I have spent the last 4 weeks gradually bringing her back to fighting trim – i.e. filling the pantry, work and pet supplies. I like her ready to roll needing only a few last minute items. It was a good time to spend a night and find out if I had everything. I didn’t…a few little things.

We are back in the house this morning after what felt like a mini-vacation, even though not quite 12 hours “away”. Today I will continue RV fun: install a repaired window blind, replace several drawer catches and drain and refresh the water tank. I know, I live a wild and crazy life…