Posts from the ‘RV Maintenance’ category

On this auspicious or infamous date…

A beautiful day! A beautiful day to be travelling in Wild Thing!

But…here she is, parked in the home spot :(

Today was to be the day we would roll… Bob, Bear and I – all together…a few days dawdling around Montana and then south to Mama, Bill, Betty…and the 4-leggeds Barely, L.B., Louie and Miss Dixie Lee.

…the show stopper… (propane tank…heat and cooking “fuel”)

That is just the side. The underneath is even worse. And worst of all…I knew the side part last Fall but never thought to look under.

4-6 weeks to get a new tank here.

It is ordered and with the hope that 4-6 weeks is conservative, I have all else ready to go. When the new tank arrives, weather/work/house, etc. will be evaluated. Fall, Winter or early Spring – we will go!

Meantime…September 13. Six years ago today, Bob, Karl and I moved into this little house in the woods. It was good. This post titled 3 years tells the tale.

But today, although we are not rolling…and Wild Thing is parked…it is still a beautiful day. The weather is perfect: blue sky, 72 at the warmest, soft light…

Enjoyment in the woods…

…and on the front porch!

Rats! – I thought I caught them actually touching noses…

They did and do :)

And even better, they relax around each other. It nearly brings me to tears to see this…to turn and work at my desk with my dear boys in the same room with me.

I am disappointed that we are not on the road. But on this beautiful day, 6 years in this place, with Bob and Bear ok together – I am content.

Eating from the garden: week 11

Raspberries!!! So good right off the bush and into my mouth!

There was a pint of raspberries in week 11’s garden bounty. I ate a few or so as I was washing them. I had a few in my before bedtime cereal and in my “get some food in my stomach” first thing in the morning cereal. And I grabbed a few every time I opened the frig.

And then there were none.

Sad, but true.

Elsewise, I continued as I have been: chard and kale and mushrooms sauteed on pizza, in scrambled eggs, over rice. Carrots and peas in pasta salad. Cilantro whizzed with tomatoes and green onions into pico de gallo. Basil whizzed with a bit of olive oil and frozen for winter pesto or ???. I shared some greens and carrots with my good neighbors and that was week 11 from the garden.

Other than food…a very full week which included motorhome maintenance (A/C and install of a new on board surge guard), dental surgery (canine tooth is gone and titanium implant in place awaiting healing and a brand new toof :)! ) and preparation for an assault on thistles, St. John’s Wort and a few other noxious weeds that have sprouted in unusual abundance in the woods :( …. AND a VERY full work schedule. All in all, a good and busy week. Bear, Bob and I are very much looking forward to a bit of relaxing this weekend after some necessary chores tomorrow (Saturday) – hopefully concluded by early afternoon.

Happy Friday and Happy Weekend to all of you from all of us.

One of those days

Actually, it has been one of those weeks :) !

The work days were very long: combination of a short week and the first week post install of new software so lots of minor tweaks that we strive to take care of ASAP. Change is hard and frustrating for most, so the faster we are at accomodating requests, the easier it is for all to accept that which they cannot change…new software.

In a burst of optomism last week – optomism that this week would be normally paced work-wise, I made an appointment for the motorhome for service. At any rate, the week was rather full and except for the mad dash to take the motorhome to the shop, Bear and I had not been off the property for any variety of smells and experience the entire week.

So…Saturday morning: overcast and raining – even though going back to bed with a book sounded wonderful, I loaded Bear in the Jeep and off we went to town.

I should have listened to that voice about going back to bed…

It is not unusual to get a rock thrown from passing cars and trucks. Most “highways” are two lane. They are very good two lane roads with normal width lanes and good shoulders, but no dividers. And the speed limit is generally 70 mph.

Two objects in opposing directions going 70 mph and colliding….WHAMMMM!! I never saw the object but it had to have been fairly large. The impact shook the Jeep and made my teeth rattle. I’d had a good grip on the steering wheel as there was enough water on the road for the occasional hydroplaning action. The vibration and jerk gave me a good jerk as well. AND, although whatever the object was, it had not come through the windshield, the glass was broken clear through and the front passenger seat was covered with small bits of glass.

I pulled over to check on Bear and collect myself. Bear was a bit wide-eyed but no glass went to his area. He’d slid a bit into the front seat but was none the worse for anything. No glass came my way but I felt the afteraffect of the collision in my arms and chest and that disconcerting feeling of trying to run through in my mind exactly what had happened.

An auto glass place that I’d gone to 5 years ago – the last time I took a rock – was near. I stopped there and ordered a new windshield. Then I drove home, took an aspirin and went to bed … call me in the morning :)!

The remainder of the day was spent in laziness. It poured as hard as I have ever seen it pour here – a good day to be lazy and inside. By evening, the sun came out and there was a breeze in the trees that made it feel like Fall: clear, crisp and cool.

I walked around the woods with a comforting cup of hot tea, watching Bear enjoy the cool and being grateful that the worst thing from the day was a broken windshield…minor. Bear obviously had no lingering effects as when I opened the Jeep to really make sure there were no glass shards in the back, he hopped right in, ready to go again.

Writing this on Sunday morning…I had no lingering effects either – no soreness, bumps or bruises. Still, I think we will spend the day at home and I do not expect we’ll be doing much – one of those days!

Motorhome mileage at oil change 5/30: 44709
Motorhome gen hours at gen oil change 5/30: 538

Saturday chores


Another photo that looks very un-January-ish.

Earlier in the week, after 3 days in the upper 40’s, including 1 day that set a new record high, eclipsing a record that has stood since 1903!!! – I went up on the roof with the blower and cleared the pine needles.

Blowing pine needles off the roof is usually a Spring chore and a late Spring chore at that. Both the roof and the needles need to be on the dry side, else they just stick.

Today, although it was more normal on the temperature scale at 35F, since there was no snow and all those needles off the roof, went to live with those on the ground…and since Bear and I were outside anyway, I decided to rake the worst of them up and cart them off into the woods…hopefully far enough into the woods that they don’t blow back in the yard in a Spring windstorm.

Meanwhile, Bear explored…

And just enjoyed.

The other reason we were outside is that the motorhome was running and its generator was running…my normal, every 3 week startup and battery check. All is A-ok with Wild Thing!

With chores complete, we adjourned to the sunroom and relaxed in an indoor way. Saturday chores.

Bah Humbug Mother Nature!!

The winter banner above…that is a photo from January 3, 2009…nearly 3 years ago.

Unfortunately, it does NOT look like that today!

There was not much snow when I arrived home. What little there was melted. A day of flurries produced a scant inch of snow and most of that is gone…

And not much promising on the horizon… what gives, Mother Nature???

The good news is that with the warm temperatures and given my not quite 100% state of health…I was able to have Kim’s RV Detailing give Wild Thing a good rinse off. Additionally, WT is full of gas and propane, has been unloaded and winterized: clean and buttoned down awaiting need or adventure. For those who were not here or do not remember…the first winter in this house, I had a chimney fire (I neglected to have the chimney swept after I bought the house…a task that has NOT been forgotten since!). Thinking the house was about to go up in flames, I sat with Karl and Bob in a cold motorhome and contemplated whether I had made the correct choices for my homeowner’s insurance … whether I would have enough money for things like dish towells was my worry…seriously!! – as well as why I hadn’t thought to keep my “spare house” full of propane so I could run it’s furnace…. So, WT stays full of propane for heat and gas for the generator :)! AND, my insurance coverage will allow me to obtain an adequate supply of dish towells should the worst happen.

Meanwhile we pray for snow…

But nothing stops Bear! He is mostly always on the move looking for squirrels or deer or other invading varmints.

Bring it Mother Nature – we are ready!