Bah Humbug Mother Nature!!

The winter banner above…that is a photo from January 3, 2009…nearly 3 years ago.

Unfortunately, it does NOT look like that today!

There was not much snow when I arrived home. What little there was melted. A day of flurries produced a scant inch of snow and most of that is gone…

And not much promising on the horizon… what gives, Mother Nature???

The good news is that with the warm temperatures and given my not quite 100% state of health…I was able to have Kim’s RV Detailing give Wild Thing a good rinse off. Additionally, WT is full of gas and propane, has been unloaded and winterized: clean and buttoned down awaiting need or adventure. For those who were not here or do not remember…the first winter in this house, I had a chimney fire (I neglected to have the chimney swept after I bought the house…a task that has NOT been forgotten since!). Thinking the house was about to go up in flames, I sat with Karl and Bob in a cold motorhome and contemplated whether I had made the correct choices for my homeowner’s insurance … whether I would have enough money for things like dish towells was my worry…seriously!! – as well as why I hadn’t thought to keep my “spare house” full of propane so I could run it’s furnace…. So, WT stays full of propane for heat and gas for the generator :)! AND, my insurance coverage will allow me to obtain an adequate supply of dish towells should the worst happen.

Meanwhile we pray for snow…

But nothing stops Bear! He is mostly always on the move looking for squirrels or deer or other invading varmints.

Bring it Mother Nature – we are ready!