Archive for ‘May 23rd, 2021’

Rainy day Sunday

Last week looked the same and finally, the fuchsia moved inside to escape the cold …

But above photo was taken on Saturday morning. The sunshine held, the temperature rose into the 60’s and the fuchsia moved back to the front porch!

The fuchsia are rallying, despite the cool temps and inside time…

That bud looks close to blooming!

I am bursting to get more plants, but the forecast is for a return to cool-cold and rainy through the end of this week, so I have resisted…

After a balmy, sunny, Saturday … Sunday returned to rainy and cool.

BUT, I saw my first lupin bloom!

Soon, the woods will be full of the purple blossoms and we will be walking through Lupin Lane(s)!

I brought some lilac inside to brighten things up.

Meanwhile … we walk…

But, shorter walks in the rain and more inside games and teaching. Mainly for my safety!

I stay on game trail paths, but they are strewn with downfall branches and sticks as well as the tops of rocks … all very slippery when wet, despite my good boots.

Emmett tends to be a bit lazy on rainy days as well…

Rainy day Sunday.