The grief of losing a pet

Since I began this blog, in June 2007, I have lost 2 dogs: Karl (cancer) and Bear (old age), and 2 cats: Bob (age and illness) and Auggie (to a cowardly, soul-less human in a truck).

Prior to blogging, but while in Montana, I lost another dog and cat: Zack (cancer) and Gus (probably mountain lion).

Each loss has had its own unique path of grief and … recovery. Recovery is not quite the right word. There is forever a “hole” in the heart for the lost one and forever a place of love and happy memory.

Auggie’s loss has been particularly brutal for me. Auggie was such a beautiful creature: beautiful in body and spirit … affectionate as well as an avid hunter and a unique personality.

No, I am not in deep depths of despair and most of my days are spent in joyous time with Emmett, in this house and woods that I love, doing work that I enjoy, baking, cooking, crafting … but there are times … there are times when I miss Auggie so very much and have to fight a raging anger over a person taking him as well as a heartbreaking sense of loss that he is not here with Emmett and me.

There is one of those statistics about cats that go outside … something along the line of average life span being 3 years.

Auggie was 7 years and 6 months old when he died. He beat the “odds”, but I cannot say that that is any consolation. I have said to myself, whenever I have had a cat … a cat that WANTS to be outside … that it is better that they live their desired life, even if shortened … and I do really believe that, but as a human caretaker and lover of my pets, it is not easy when the worst happens.

I have had a dog and a cat most of my time in Montana.

I don’t know.

Right now, I am mostly peaceful about my household being Emmett and me.

I have looked at the shelter cats and dogs and tried to imagine adding …

At the moment … No.

6 Responses to “The grief of losing a pet”

  1. Hilary

    I did actually paint you a picture of Auggie but I didn’t feel like I captured him. So it sits here in my studio. Did anyone ever figure out who was driving that truck?

    • Liz

      Oh… thank you, Hilary! No I.D. on the truck driver. I did report the visual to the Sheriff/Animal Control in case there is a repeat with the same description. I have mixed feelings … I think a person that would do that, would probably just laugh off any confrontation which would make me feel 1000x worse. I can’t say that I am at a point of forgiveness, but most of the time, I am at a point of knowing that that person has a very sorry life … still, I cannot say that I do not have some residual anger … and wishes to do horrible things to the person! But, ultimately, nothing will bring Auggie back and that is all I really wish for.

  2. Steph

    Liz, your words so perfectly capture the emotions. I am thinking of you and sending hugs.

    • Liz

      Thank you, Steph! And back to you, also … news is not great your way :(

  3. Margaret

    A beautiful post that captures the heartbreak but also the joy of having a pet.
    We have had two dogs (both died of illness when they were old) and two cats, both of whom passed away at about 18 years old. That leaves us with our two remaining cats who are about 13 and 7 years old.
    We will never forget our departed friends, but we often rue the fact that we live so much longer than them that saying goodbye to them is almost a foregone conclusion. I try to focus on the joy they give us, even for their shorter time on earth, and the joy they feel with us.
    Auggie was torn away from you so suddenly and violently, that you had no time to prepare yourself, which must be harder. When and if the time is right, another cat will find you.

    • Liz

      Thank you, Margaret … beautiful words and thoughts and I know that you are right … the right cat will find us at the right time :)

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