Minding our manners

For this post … minding our front door manners!

I am not a stickler for sitting and waiting at the front door, BUT, we have worked on:

Not blasting out the door

Not trampling over each other

Allowing ME to enter with groceries, etc. without being trampled.

So, a short video on dealing with those times when Auggie or Emmett can not go … even though I am making all of the exit signs:

Exit signs.

Emmett is particularly aware of the signs: I have my phone, I don various garments (even in summer: over the shoulder thing that has bear spray, pick up bags and other stuff). And … typically, something kicks in for a bathroom visit :)

Whatever … we exit the house calmly. And on our walks, there is no issue of me being overrun or herded. Neither were issues with Karl and Bear, but with Emmett, being a herding dog, I took care to teach him from puppy-hood and it has paid off.

I knew that as I was 62 when Emmett joined my family … it was important that he learned to be gentle with me. We play and tussle, but it is by invite from me, so I am prepared, vs surprise “attacks” :)!

I think that Emmett is “wired” to be a caretaker. He fusses over both Auggie and me if we have injuries, if we sneeze or cough … he is Nurse Emmett.

Auggie has some similar behaviors and will nose an injury.


I am well looked after! And I look after them.

And we all “mind our manners” and live with respect to each other :)

2 Responses to “Minding our manners”

  1. Steph

    I am impressed! I really like how Emmett runs to the lookout spot.

    • Liz

      Ha! He learned early on that if he had to “stay home”, it was because I was going in the Jeep or doing something he could watch: grass mowing, snow throwing, i.e. something to do with the garage! I had used “Emmett stays home” and then “in your crate” until he was almost 2 and we started with staying “loose” in the house. I still found him in the crate often when I came home. And then, suddenly, he “gave up” the crate. Karl liked his crate his entire life and I thought Emmett might also :). He and Auggie would often share it and then it was over!

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