Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?


Good golly, I am mortified by the chaos of the U.S. political system.

I am also mortified by the behavior and attitude of so many of the U.S. citizenry regarding protocol for the COVID-19 pandemic. Honestly … READ the science, crunch the numbers for yourself. The scientific and anecdotal evidence says: MASK UP and keep your distance.

I have zero tolerance for not making an educated decision.


Okey-dokey. I wrote the above paragraphs on 10/1 prior to learning of Trump’s (President and Melania’s) diagnoses.

I started the post as during the week several things: a decision based on my own principals to NOT allow a person to cut my hair … this person having told me on 2 occasions that she did not mask unless required (grocery) and otherwise (small gatherings) did not. She has children in school. I REALLY wanted my hair cut by her as she is probably the person that has given me the best cuts ever and I’ve been cutting my own since March and GOOD GRIEF!!!, I really wanted a good cut.


Even though we agreed to an outdoor cut at my home and both of us masked … I just felt … yucky … about it. I was accepting conduct that I found irresponsible just to get a good hair cut. What does that say about me and my personal convictions ?

Ultimately, I cancelled. In my cancellation email, I acknowledged every person’s right to make their own decisions, but that I felt hypocritical accepting the service. I stated that I did not mask out of fear, but out of respect for others … in case I might be asymptomatic. I also acknowledged that I was not altogether altruistic as I DO hope/plan to stay healthy via taking care of myself in many ways, including mask and distance.

I know that the message was not received as an offer was made to retrieve from town anything I might need … YIKES! I will go to town when needed, masked and distancing to protect others and myself. I would NOT trust this person with goods for me, even though I understand that the offer was made thinking it was for my benefit.


And now, a person(s): Donald and Melania Trump … neither of whom I respect … ill with COVID.

Another test of my principals, ethics and morality.

I confess that I struggled. But, ultimately, I do NOT want to behave as Trump and his family and his supporters have behaved. I want to be kind, respectful, thoughtful of others.

I want to take the high road. There is minimal traffic there.

It is hard to avoid platitudes … I devolve to generalities: I hope and pray that ALL who are fighting COVID-19, recover swiftly.

That is the best that I can do.

Now, this handbasket … can I get out or not ????

2 Responses to “Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?”

  1. Sue

    I’m in the handbasket with you! Several more of his administration have now tested positive, the latest is Kellyanne Conway. I wish them all well, but can’t help (I know I’m bad) smiling that Karma is showing up. I’ve only been in the grocery store 3 times since March…masked and in and out as quickly as possible…all else has been drive thru and pickup with no personal contact. Having a science background makes me even more cautious. I pray every night that I live long enough to see a new administration inaugurated! Don’t really miss the casual contact with others, only that with some family members that are local. We ALL are being extra careful…wish everyone else was. I fear it may be many months before we approach near normal. Gina and I just enjoy each other’s company…thankful for the internet/TV…being a news junkie is probably not the best thing for me, but I stay on it anyway. You all stay safe!

    • Liz

      Thank you, Sue! Doing my best to stay safe … good to hear that you and your family are also !!

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