Archive for ‘April 21st, 2018’

The news from puppy central

So my plan … are you laughing ???

My plan was that week 1 with Emmett I would work 1/2 days and that’s what I told my client/programming team.

I managed about 1/4 time.

But after a little weekend reorganization, I thought: “ok, I’ve got this … normal time”.

I managed about 1/2 time. GAH! I will be eating beans next month!!

I hired some help for yard cleanup with the intent of working a bit this weekend. So far, the yard is beautiful and paid for. Work so far = 0 hours.

My workout routine has gone by the wayside as well but I figure that all of the puppy in and out and up and down and etc, etc makes up for it. I hope.

Seriously, though. The time these last two weeks working with Emmett and Auggie – priceless in happy love as well as a calm (mostly) puppy that is fitting into the family Summers. Auggie deserves a medal for how he is adjusting to Emmett and for what he is tolerating!

I consider training to be a lifelong thing … sometimes a regroup, sometimes a lightness, but always there. I am so pleased with how “clicker training” aka positive reinforcement is going with Emmett. And I have some affirmation from the couple who cleaned my yard and some woods area. Jason and Kay have much dog experience and clicker training experience and they were so impressed with how Emmett is doing. They spent time working with Emmett and me – so valuable to have this kind of experience: new BFF! (***Jason trained a Belgian Malinois for bomb work!)

So. Photos. Proceed!!

So funny. The play is kind of rough, but Auggie is all in.

Oh, boy!

This is the first time Emmett did the “air out the parts” thing. He has not liked being “upside down” in my arms. Is that a thing that they grow out of … don’t know.

Self explanatory.

I bought Auggie a new tower for the sunroom. My thought was to give him a spot to get away from “THE BABY”. I didn’t pay attention to the step configuration. But so far, so good and this is the first time that Auggie used the tower perch.

Sticks are the best chew things!!

Snow is great.

Sun is wonderful and all is good with Auggie, Emmett and me.