Archive for ‘March 31st, 2018’

March goes out like a lion

But wait! March is supposed to come IN like a lion and go out like a lamb!!

We had a blustery front complete with Winter Weather advisory until 11:00 a.m. this morning. No new snow at my house, just a few light flurries this morning.

The high today was a brisk 34F.

But, it has been above freezing until yesterday…

Out the front door …

…from the front porch…

… the snow is melting. I have ground to walk from house to garage – YEA! Juggling groceries over ice has never been a favorite occupation.

And these girls have been regulars for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

They love the mossy bits on the downed branches.

Auggie is enjoying have less snow and more ground.

And inside, we are getting ready for Mr. Emmett with a redo of the kitchen corner that will allow Auggie, Emmett and me to be together!

While I was at it, a new slipcover for the shredded chair in my office.

Goodbye March and Welcome April!