Archive for ‘May 19th, 2014’

Desperate times call for desperate measures…

A rainy day.

All day, mostly raining.

Auggie developed a severe case of cabin fever by lunchtime.

So, I made a fort.

And got out some toys that had been put away…so they seem new…for just such an emergency!

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

My strategy worked for about 40 minutes.

Although it stayed cloudy and the grass and brush was very wet, there was a bit of a break and Auggie went out.

Being so low to the ground, he got VERY wet.

BUT, his double coat, just like Bear…a shake and all is mostly well.

Except for his feet and his stomach.

Both Auggie and Bear spend a LOT of time on feet after being out in the wet.

And then a nap.

On the plus side, it is VERY, VERY green ….AND the yellow jackets do not fly in the rain!