Helena, MT mornings

I’ve been up early – even earlier than my norm. Monday, my plan was to make a quick and early stop at Wal-Mart, then a drive past a rural house I saw on the internet, arriving at a bar/restaurant reputed to have a good breakfast – close to its 8:00 a.m. opening.

I stopped at Bob’s Market to take the photo. I am partial to sunlit clouds and think of them as direct communication from God…some people think rainbows, a past church acquaintance thought streetlights that flickered out… anyway, for me, it is sunlit clouds.

I don’t actually get a detailed message, I just feel the connection and the peace.

The Wal-Mart run was brief and successful.

The drive to the house was mixed, but interesting and ultimately pretty but I never saw the house. Google Maps Navigation has been wonderful, except for this route and I finally gave up and headed for the breakfast spot – arriving about 8:40 and it was getting warm and no shade parking so we came home.

This morning, Tuesday, the plan was “Steve’s Cafe” – highly rated. It WAS very good and shade parking, although I was there about 7:30 – still, I felt better about leaving Bear in the Jeep and I had a table where I could see him.

I also fueled the Jeep and scouted the Costco parking lot for a hoped for 10:00 a.m. run…that all worked also.

Wild Thing is loaded. Neither Bear nor I will go hungry. Tomorrow morning we head back to Great Falls. No, I have no explanation, it is just what I want to do. I think we’ll head home on Saturday, but all plans are subject to change.

This morning, as we headed to breakfast…a red sunrise and again, sunlit clouds.