Archive for ‘August 4th, 2013’

Early evening on a Sunday

A thoroughly pleasant weekend was had.

It was coolish compared to the prior (prior to Friday) 10-12 days – today barely hit 80F before starting back down again.

The Yellow Jacket activity was a bit less, although not enough less to allow enjoyment of the front porch :( !

Bob is slightly less wobbly on this day 3 of medication resumption. We should find out tomorrow where and when we go next.

I did a small-medium clear-out of some items that have been on my list…some glassware and dishes – family stuff that I’ve packed and moved and packed and moved and packed and moved! – things taking up space that I want and need for other purposes. I kept the things that really matter to me and the rest I donated. I spoke to both my grandmothers (both in Heaven!) as I packed and thought about how and where… It was good and I am confident that all will go where it should.

I took my first film photos. As I was taking them and changing camera settings, it occurred to me that I should record the settings. I am so used to being able to see the settings with the digital output that I forgot this was not going to be available with the film camera. And I made some notes about how different this little camera feels. An interesting exercise.

I made Chinese scallion “pancakes”…more later but they will be a staple. They are somewhere between a tortilla and a spiced up naan. Bottom line: delicious! ( Scallion Pancake Recipe – if you can’t wait!)

I have been reading a blog, a first book: If you lived here, I’d know your name and am partly into the 2nd (Take Good Care of the Garden and the Dogs) by Heather Lende. The first book: As I read her essays, I am reminded of Jan Karon’s Mitford series and the peace, contentment and wisdom that come from reflection on the simple happenings of life. And, by the way, Heather had a “good dog Carl” whose passing is written of at the end of the first book. Like her, I am NOT resigned…but I have made peace (mostly) with my own Karl’s passing. And although our lives have many differences, like her, I am grateful for all that is my life.