Bob is doing well

I met with Dr. Webb at 2:30 to look at Bob’s CT Scan. No tumor, no cancer but more than just fluid, in fact there is no fluid. There is some polyp like tissue that is feeding the infection. The surgery is a tough one and would mean he stayed at the hospital for 2-5 days until pain is manageble by oral medication vs I.V. drips.

His blood work is a bit rough in the kidney enzyme department.

Bottom line, I have to make a decision about putting him through this.

He is staying in hospital over the weekend – they suggested keeping him on fluids to see how he responded, i.e. if the kidney numbers come up a bit.

They are also sending the scan to a specialist for reading.

Monday is decision day. Dr. Scherr, who owns the clinic and is the premier surgeon is available.

I visited Bob after speaking to Dr. Webb and then had to run around town to get a bigger litter box than they had, but smaller than his own…and more of his brand of insulin. Around these parts, most of the clinics fill a different type. To add to the excitement it was 101F here today!!! Thankfully, a nice young man here at the park offered to keep an eye on Wild Thing and Bear. I HATE leaving Bear in the motorhome when it this hot in case power would go out or some other AC problem, but it was far too hot to take him in the Jeep. And the Jeep staged a small revolt in protest of the heat and I had to let it cool off in the middle of the running around. It was rather an exciting birthday…

But all got done and Bob has all of his stuff. He has a nice large kennel. I’m sure he’d rather be home and I miss him terribly but I also think this is our best shot at a good outcome. I told Bob all of this. He looked good and only hissed once at Dr. Webb. And everybody loves Bob! This hospital is staffed 24/7 and I’m told they will be updating me and calling if there any concerns at all.

Bear and I found a gorgeous place to walk along the river which we did this morning before it got too, too hot. I did a little work but was a bit distracted and then the run around town.

Bottom line, things are not as bad as they might have been and Bob is one tough cat. I will be quietly considering and praying about what to do. Bear and I will stay here in Great Falls until we can all go home together. We are in a comfortable place, near Bob and I am so grateful that we can do this fairly easily.