So much pumpkin…so little time.

This time last year I was making preparations to head to my folks with Bear in Wild Thing. Today, I received a TDay email from Patty and her family…Bear and I enjoyed a night before and Thanksgiving Day morning with them in Missoula last year.

It was a wonderful trip and as I perused my blog posts from that trip I got to wishing we were on the road again! If not for Bear’s leg and surgery, we WOULD be off :)!

However. We will all still enjoy.

Yesterday my computer locked up and required a total reboot.

While that was happening I made a pumpkin pie! This was my first from fresh pumpkin…pumpkin from my CSA, roasted in my own oven….

…and topped with cashew whipped cream and a drizzle of cashew cream vanilla bean caramel sauce.

I jumped the gun you say ???? I say NOT!

I promised my neighbors pumpkin pie and so I had to make it before the day AND because it was my first from fresh pumpkin, I REALLY needed to make sure that it was edible!!!

Well, it was edible.


I emailed my mother that I’d made the pie and that I’d used the Betty Crocker/Libby Pumpkin Can recipe and it was ok but I’d do a thing or so different next time.

She emailed me back that she didn’t realize I didn’t have Grandma’s recipe…actually Great, Great Grandma…a Scot from Aberdeen. My mother wrote the recipe as she sat and watched my Great Grandmother make pie. My own Grandmother Ruthie did not have the written recipe and was not a big fan of measuring and sometimes the pie was outstanding and one year it had a greenish tinge from a bit much of cloves. Anyway. The original recipe… which my mother wrote down and has been making all of her adult life – and finally – I also have it.

Another pie is in the works. Maybe my computer will lock up this evening…or tomorrow.

I have plenty of pumpkin.